Safety First Approach
Same Day or Next Day Delivery
Flatbed Transportation
Serving all of Florida
DOT Compliant
Your business deserves the best flatbed services.
We'll make it happen!
or (407)367-9523
Trouble viewing? Need a service? Questions? Please call.
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On the road, and on time

Safety & Compliance

Our main goal is to ensure that we always operate safely, protecting our customers, our drivers, and the public in general...

Contact Us

KMM Trucking Inc takes great pride in our customer service.
We strive to be available when you need us, and to respond as quickly as we can to your needs...


We offer Flatbed Transportation:

Trailer Types:

- Standard Flatbeds...

​ - Step-Decks...


Flatbed transportation across Florida

Same or Next day

The Right Equipment

Timely Service...

About Us

We are a family business, and we would like to become part of your family